The Family Catechetics program is
New registrations are welcome at any
time! All classes will be in the lower level of the
Please contact Angela Dolomount at or 709-631-4543 or at the
Parish Office at 709-634-5161.
Family Catechtics:
Family Catechetics, Youth Ministry and Confirmation will take place
at Holy Redeemer and All Hallows Church throughout the month
of June. Family Catechetics is for families with children in
Kindergarten up to Grade Six. The preparation for all the
sacraments begins in Kindergarten with more extensive
preparation at the Year 2 level (age 7 approximately) for
children preparing for the Sacrament of Eucharist and at the
Year 3 level (age 8) for children preparing for the
Sacrament of Reconciliation. A special program will be
offered for those children who have not received the
sacraments at the ages mentioned above. When parents have
their children baptized, they accept "the responsibility of
training them in the practice of the faith". (Baptism Rite)
This family program is designed specifically to help parents
to fulfill this most important obligation. Registration
forms may be picked up on the tables at the entrances to the
churches. Completed registration forms may be dropped off at
the sacristy in each church or at the parish office, or
faxed to the Cathedral office at 634-5999.
The word catechesis means faith development/faith formation.
We use the term as it better reflects our hope and goal. We do
not use the term religious education as it is not our intention
to simply impart knowledge, to give children and young adults
information about their religion, but to form them into
prayerful, committed Christians who give witness to their faith
through active participation in the life and mission of the
of all:
In Africa there is an expression, “It takes a whole village
to raise a child”. For us this means that the faith development
of our children and young people is the responsibility of all of
us. No parish will fulfill its mission to spread the Gospel
unless it has, first and foremost, the good living witness of
its members. We are all called upon to not only nurture our
children, but also to meet the challenge of living our own faith
in the here and now.
While the formation of children and youth is the
responsibility of all parishioners, it will require the
particular interest and dedication of parents. When parents ask
to have their children baptized they automatically assume the
responsibility of bringing them up in the faith.
In 1984, in a speech he gave in Newfoundland, Pope John Paul
II said that the primary educators of their children are the
parents. Parents sow the seeds of faith and place their very
young children on their journey of following Jesus when they
pray with them, when they teach them to pray, when they speak to
their children about Jesus and God’s love for them, and when
they lead their children to celebrate the mysteries of the faith
at Mass. It follows that parents, in order to lead their
children in faith, must be growing in their own faith and giving
witness to it.
A faith formation program was never meant to be a crash
course offered to our young people just before they receive a
sacrament, but a day to day opening up of their lives to Christ,
the one who said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” This
means that children who are to receive any of the sacraments are
expected to be involved in parish faith development from the
time they start Kindergarten.
Family based catechetics presently includes children from
Kindergarten age to eleven year olds. Sessions are held monthly
for parents and children. At this time parents are given
resources to use during the month to help foster the faith
development of their children. Remember it is not an
“education/teaching” process, but a process of passing on our
Catholic faith. Parents who are already involved have expressed
their delight in the process.
We are also in the beginning stages of building a
Comprehensive Youth Ministry.
All meetings are held in the multi-purpose room in the
basement of the Cathedral
Forms are available at the back of the church. When you
complete them you can simply drop them in the lower part of the
rack marked Completed Forms. For more information, our
Catechetics Coordinator, Denise Rumboldt, may be reached at the
parish office (634-5161) from 9am – 12:30pm Monday through
Friday. You may also contact her at home at 634-6856.
The Bishops at the Second Vatican Council said, “No Christian
community is ever built up unless it has its roots and center in
the Eucharistic Liturgy” (Mass). They also said that our
celebration of the Mass is one of the elements that identifies
us as members of the Catholic Community. We cannot, without
contradiction, ask that children receive the sacraments, which
prepare us to be full, active members of the Church, if we are
not giving public witness to that faith by your own regular
participation in the Mass that the Lord himself asked us to
offer in his memory. |