Effective Monday,
March 17, 2025 office hours will be from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
FOR 2024:
Are ready and
can be picked up at the parish office.
During the month of
January, we served 82 clients. The volunteer hours totalled 119.
Thanks to the Knights
of Columbus for their participation during the month.
Furniture: - In January, we made 24 furniture deliveries and
picked up 23 furniture
donations. 12 mattresses, 6 box springs, 5 dressers, 7 sofa
chairs and 3 kitchen tables were distributed, among many other
13 households of New
Canadians from India, Nigeria, South Sudan and Vietnam were
among the many families who were assisted last month.
We also finished up
with storage cleanup, furniture repair, bagging of bedding and
other tasks.
Total volunteer hours
amounted to 79.
Appreciation goes out
to all SSVP members an on- members who gave of their time.
Welcome: Madonna Bennett was
welcomed as a new member of the Parish Pastoral.
Washroom: Two new toilets
installed; front foyer bathroom renovation planned.
Year of Jubilee: pening
mass for Jubilee of Hole 2025 well-attended; further events
being planned.
Caretaker: new caretaker hired;
probationary period of 12 weeks
Heat Control: Heating system
repair ongoing.
Reports: S.V.D.P. Successful
Christmas hamper drive for the 2024 season; ongoing Mary’s
kitchen and furniture moving activies.
Litergy Committee: Active during
Advent and Christmas; planning for the upcoming Chrism Mass.
Religious Eucation: 48 families
currently enrolled in catechetic program; 40 regular teenagers
attending the monthly youth group meetings; recycling account
set up for donations; new youth and family committee to be
Finance Committee: Financial
review noted increased regular Sunday offertory; various repairs
and updates completed; next meeting on February 3rd, 2025 and to
review 2024annual financials.
Office Administrator Position:
Megan has resigned from her position as parish office
administrator. We wish Megan the very best on her future
Responsible Ministries Meeting:
was held on January 15th, 2025 to discuss integration of
responsible ministries.
Other: Assistance for new parish
members seeking housing. As the parish is not involved in rental
property an invitation for any parishioner with vacant rental
property available to post notice on bulletin boards in parish.
After-hours security concerns addressed; updates to be provided
at the next meeting.
Expression of thanks to be extended to
Indian and Filipino communities for Christmas Eve performance.
Sound system issues to be resolved.
Suggestion box for parishioner feedback to
be reintroduced.
Greater transparency and visibility of
council members to be communicated to
Mini fair for the youth committee planned
potential date January 26th, 2025.
Through a 5 day program facilitated by mental health
professionals and centered on Jesus Christ, Grief to Grace helps
those who have endured neglect, physical,
emotional, sexual and/or spiritual abuse in their family of
origin, their community, from spouses/partners, and/or coworkers
or supervisors, find healing and journey to wholeness. The next
program in Canada is May 20-25 in Kelowna. For more information
please email or make a
confidential call to 250-808-6403.
Please consider dropping off yourrecycles at Scotia Recycling
under account #7093305347 to support our youth. We have an
active youth group in the parish with approximately 30
teenagers. We meet monthly for fun, fellowship and journey
together in
different areas of the Faith. Please email
if you have
any questions.
If you use the TipTap device at the
Cathedral - you MUST call the Parish Office with the last 4
digits on your credit card to receive your credit for it to be
included with your donations for income tax time.
You will only have to call the office once as we will then have
a record of it on file. We currently hae a couple of donations
but have not received a call.
Credit/debit card donations:
How does it work? A solid GREEN light on the device means it is
connected and
ready to receive a tap. Simply tap the device with your chip
enabled card or
mobile wallet and the donation will be captured.
If there are two beeps from the device this means the card
was not successfully read and could be due to either a card type
not accepted, or the card was tapped too quickly, please try
On your card statement Holy Redeemer Parish will be listed the
vendor of the
Is your information safe? The only information captured for
the donation will be the last four digits of the card used.
Those wishing to utilize the TipTap donation option and
receive an annual charitable donation slip please contact the
Parish Office at 709-634-5161 or via email at
and provide the last 4 digits of the card used.
The total brought in from Chase the Ace was $115, 500.00; 50/50
tickets was $54,884.00 for a total of $170,384.00. Holy Redeemer
partnered with Immaculate Heart of Mary School where the
fundraiser was held until the last 2 events. The school staff
were also instrumental in the success of the event providing
many volunteers for the 51 weeks.
Their goal was to raise funds to replace the floor in the
gymnasium. Total proceeds from these 2 events will be shared
between Holy Redeemer and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Now in stock a supply of Christmas Cards
and Wooden Rosaries. Also, the Living Faith Booklets for the
first quarter of 2011 are now available at a cost of $2.00
each. If you
looking to purchase anything call the parish office at
There are boxes at the entrances to the Cathedral for these
items. The used eye-glasses are forwarded to Third World
Countries and the cash register receipts from Colemans,
Dominion and Sobeys and labels from Campbells products
showing the bar codes are used for fund-raising for
Immaculate Heart of Mary School.