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The Cathedral Parish of the Most Holy Redeemer Parish and Immaculate Conception

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Bishop Bart Lenten Message to Parishoners


March 7, 2025


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


As we embark on our common journey through Lent, it is important for us to cast our eyes on the path ahead. Through prayer, charity and fasting we embrace what is essential for our lives and the well-being of those around us, and we recognize that without God, charity to our neighbour and freedom from unsustainable consumption there is no hope, that our true hope is found in the cross of Christ, his self­ offering for us out of love.


Come follow me. By these simple words Jesus invites us to walk with him, his hopes and dreams for us and for the world. Each time we pray, we deepen our walk with him. Each time we give of ourselves, we embra ce his cross. Each time we renounce our own plans and desires in favour of God's greater plan, we are united to Christ, "The Way, the Truth and the Life," and his kingdom, "On earth as it is in heaven."


During this Jubilee of l·:ope Pope Francis invites us to work on " Turning debt into hope". Many of our brothers and sisters in the Global South live in countries burdened by debt. Debts incurred years ago, preventing them from receiving the basic government services most of us take for granted. Debts that have been repaid twice or three times over in interest. Debts that ensure that there is more money and resources flowing out of their economies than coming in.


In addition to signing this petition for debt relief for the poorest nations, we will be invited to participate generously in our annual Development and Peace Lenten collection. This sign of our generosity and solidarity with the Global South helps in funding development projects on the grassroots level, helping villages and communities towards greater self-sufficiency.


Lastly, I make a special appeal for charity at home, especially in our speech. As more and more of us experience the effects of what is happening in our world today, it is important that we do not take it out on one anoth er. The stress we experience is often manifest in uncharitable speech or a general moodiness. None of us is immune to stress in our lives, let us be mindful of what is happening to us, take steps to mitigate it, and treat one another with charity.


Fraternally in Christ,

Bishop Bart van Roijen



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