Holy Redeemer Parish
P.O. Box 1108  A2H 6T2

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Message From Bishop Bart




  On October 10th, 2021 Pope Francis opened the latest synod on the way in which 

  the Catholic Church listens to the Holy Spirit and journeys together as the People of

  God. In order to allow as much participation as possible the Diocese of Corner Brook

  and Labrador is inviting each Parish Council AS WELL AS ALL PARISHIONERS to have

  a discussion on each of the five subject areas below. Once you have completed the

  questions, you can send your answers to us either by regular mail or by email,

  whatever method is most convenient for you. It is important that we receive input

  from as many people as possible in the parishes. Please take the time to answer the



 1. In Luke’s account of the two disciples heading to Emmaus (Lk 24: 13-35), the

 Church  is pictured as "companions on the journey", with Christ revealing himself

 through Word and Sacrament.


 How do you see this companionship lived out in our Church today (In your

 experience  of parish, diocese, Universal Church)? How are we called to grow as



 2. Listening is a key component to journeying together.

 Who is given a voice, and who is not? What helps or prevents us from listening?

 What  space do we provide to listen to others, especially for those who may be on

 the peripheries?


 3. A Church that journeys together shares together in Christ’s mission.

 How do we as Church work together and support one another in carrying out the

 mission of Christ, each in our respective way? What hinders the baptized from being

 active in Christ’s mission? What areas of mission are neglected?


 4. A Church that journeys together participates in the decision-making process.

 How is authority exercised within our parish/diocese? What enables or hinders people

 from speaking up? By what procedures and methods do we discern together and

 make decisions? Do our decision-making methods help us to listen to the whole

 people of God? How can we grow in communal spiritual discernment?


 5. Now that you have had a discussion on this matter, what is your plan to involve as

 many people, of all ages in your area, to participate in this same discussion?

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